Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Why IMC is Like Your Business' Personal Stylist

Your company has an image. Or at least it should. While this image includes the cool little logo and tagline you had a graphic designer create, a true brand image is much more than accessories. It's an entire outfit.

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a campaign approach that includes one consistent advertising, PR, direct marketing, cause-related marketing (CRM), event, social media, promotion, sponsorship, interactive, and viral marketing brand strategy and message. Some of these terms and acronymous may be over your head, but whether you choose one or two of these tactics, or all of them, having a clear plan to communicate your mission and goals will always garner your best ROI (return on investment). 

Just as a stylist scouts the most fashion-forward designs and presents them as a total look to a client, an IMC specialist or agency pulls together all of the cutting-edge marketing mix elements that are the best look for your product or company. Branding is about 2 things: cohesion and consistency. If you're a sporting goods store why would you sponsor the Adopt-a-Pet foundation instead of the local Little League? Your traditional media messages (tv, radio) should be consistent with your emerging media (blogs, fb, website) messages. And while fashion sometimes encourages an ecclectic ensemble, there is nothing sexy about a messy business look. Lack of preparation leaves your company looking like the disheveled interviewee that you would never hire. True fashion is never an afterthought, and neither is true marketing.

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